Ocean Confetti!

1 096 312
MinuteEarth3.04 млн
02.06.14 – 5 327 3823:53
Invasion of the Yellow Crazy Ants!
25.08.22 – 393 4383:56
Why Weather Forecasts Suck
27.01.22 – 205 0763:29
Is Soil Alive?
Опубликовано 10 мая 2014, 17:20
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Created by Henry Reich
Production and Writing Team: Alex Reich, Peter Reich, Emily Elert, Ever Salazar, and Kate Yoshida

Music by Nathaniel Schroeder: soundcloud.com/drschroeder

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MinuteEarth provides an energetic and entertaining view of trends in earth's environment -- in just a few minutes!


Andrady, A. L. (2011). Microplastics in the marine environment. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 62(8), 1596-1605. plasticsoupfoundation.org/wp-c...

Barnes, D. K., Galgani, F., Thompson, R. C., & Barlaz, M. (2009). Accumulation and fragmentation of plastic debris in global environments.Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences,364(1526), 1985-1998. rstb.royalsocietypublishing.or...

Browne, M. A., Crump, P., Niven, S. J., Teuten, E., Tonkin, A., Galloway, T., & Thompson, R. (2011). Accumulation of microplastic on shorelines woldwide: sources and sinks. Environmental science & technology, 45(21), 9175-9179. plasticsoupfoundation.org/wp-c...

Cole, M., Lindeque, P., Halsband, C., & Galloway, T. S. (2011). Microplastics as contaminants in the marine environment: a review. Marine Pollution Bulletin,62(12), 2588-2597. ftp://lakeerie.ohiodnr.com/Wildlife/Fairport_Fish/gorman/Plastics/Cole_ea_2011_Review.pdf

Goldstein, M. C., Titmus, A. J., & Ford, M. (2013). Scales of Spatial Heterogeneity of Plastic Marine Debris in the Northeast Pacific Ocean. PloS one, 8(11), e80020. dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.po...

Morét-Ferguson, S., Law, K. L., Proskurowski, G., Murphy, E. K., Peacock, E. E., & Reddy, C. M. (2010). The size, mass, and composition of plastic debris in the western North Atlantic Ocean. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 60(10), 1873-1878. xa.yimg.com/kq/groups/15473821...

Ryan, P. G., Moore, C. J., van Franeker, J. A., & Moloney, C. L. (2009). Monitoring the abundance of plastic debris in the marine environment.Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences,364(1526), 1999-2012. vliz.be/imisdocs/publications/...

Zettler, E. R., Mincer, T. J., & Amaral-Zettler, L. A. (2013). Life in the "Plastisphere": microbial communities on plastic marine debris. Environmental science & technology, 47(13), 7137-7146. diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paper...

Image credits

Hydration Bottles
Photo by: Flickr user Rubbermaid Products

Sandbox and Beach Toys
Photo by: Black Market

Photo by: Montgomery Cty Division of Solid Waste Services

Plastics Cups
Photo by: Montgomery Cty Division of Solid Waste Services

Plastic Bottle
Photo by: Flickr User PUMP AID

Chinese Plastic Toys
Photo by: Wikimedia user Fotokannan

Playground slide
Flickr user ttarasiuk

Recycled Water Bottles
Steven Depolo

Sea with Garbage Dump
Photo by: Adam Jones

Albatross Plastic
Chris Jordan / USFWS Headquarters