$450 Gaming PC Giveaway x3 | CANDID App

118 063
TechSource3.86 млн
31.03.17 – 145 62711:06
What's In The Box - Episode 22
6 дней – 163 48111:48
Cool Tech Gifts you Shouldn't Sleep On!
272 дня – 894 32618:09
Building the All-Razer Gaming Setup!
Опубликовано 30 марта 2017, 15:27
I hope you guys enjoyed this video! You guys NEED to download Candid here! becandid.com
►To enter the giveaway◄
1) Download Candid
2) Join my group: Techsource
3) Post your Twitter handle in the group along with a picture of your PC and specs.
4) Tell your friends to join too (Optional)

*Specs: pcpartpicker.com/user/JailBrea...

Candid supports free speech but does moderate against pornography, spam, threats of violence and hate speech
♦Full Gear List: goo.gl/cIdKze
♦Watch my videos 1 week early: goo.gl/Ir1uMF

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Twitter: twitter.com/Ed_TechSource
Instagram: instagram.com/ed.techsource