How to fix every Galaxy S8 review in numerous, difficult steps | #PNWeekly 250 (partial) | Pocketnow

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Опубликовано 2 мая 2017, 19:28
Gosh, wasn't it better when we went live? Read about what's up down the description.

First off, we apologize for the inconvenience and we thank you for watching the Pocketnow Weekly. Also, that Blue Apron ad helps us pay the bills, but if you really want a free pass on the intro, head to 2:54.

Most of what we recorded last week ended up being all screwy, but we managed to pull out a good conversation with Evan Rodgers, social media manager for Engadget and the man behind the "Galaxy S8 metareview" that took a very critical tack to how YouTubers and major publications review tech products. Find that video here:

We've decided to put up the relatively clean video of Juan Carlos Bagnell's very conversation here - you also get some net neutrality bonus talk!

If you want to catch up with the week in mobile tech news, do so with our full audio podcast at: /2017/04/29/our-galaxy-s8-review-may-not-be-like-this-pnweekly-250


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How to fix every Galaxy S8 review in numerous, difficult steps | #PNWeekly 250 (partial) | Pocketnow

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