AWS re:Invent 2016: Searching Inside Video at Petabyte Scale Using Spot (WIN307)

Опубликовано 3 декабря 2016, 18:06
Video is a "last-mile problem" for search technology. Unlike webpages, documents, and email, content in videos has traditionally been impossible to search. Recent advances in automated speech and text recognition, however, let businesses and universities search inside video assets as easily as inside textual content. In this session, you'll learn how Panopto is using AWS to solve the video-search problem at scale, while saving over 50% in operating costs by taking advantage of Spot instances. We discuss the cross-platform architecture that combines Windows and Linux to provide cost-effective video processing and search indexing. We also dive deep into scaling Spot elastically based on user demand, handling fallback situations when instances are revoked, and using the Spot bidding process to optimize cost structure. Finally, we discuss future plans to reduce operating costs even further through Spot fleets and grid processing.