Amazon Web Services783 тыс
Опубликовано 30 ноября 2016, 5:15
As Turner continues to make the transition from a traditional broadcast organization to a consumer-centric, data-driven media company, we are being challenged to re-think our approach to content supply. There is a need to achieve new levels of agility, flexibility and scalability to meet the rapidly evolving demands of our top media brands - including TBS, TNT, Cartoon Network, Adult Swim and CNN. To that end, we are transitioning the infrastructure that acquires, processes and distributes media for consumer-facing systems to the cloud. At the core of this environment is our Supply Chain Management application. The SCM app provides business and technical process management via an HTML based UI framework, State Machine, Rules Engine, Cost Model, Forms Service. We took advantage of several AWS specific services, including Lambda, S3, Dynamo DB, SNS, Elastic, Cloud Formation and Code Commit. The entire system is instance-less with all application code running in either the browser or within Lambda's. To ease development and debugging we created a method to run all JS libraries in the browser, switching to Lambda when we deploy with Code Commit. Cloud media processing infrastructure is BEING created on demand via an integration with SDVI. The SDVI and SCM apps exchange events and data via SNS and S3.
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