AWS re:Invent 2015 | (GAM407) Quiplash: Multiscreen, Multiplayer Game for 10,000

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Опубликовано 12 октября 2015, 20:47
Jackbox Games, the makers of Fibbage and You Don’t Know Jack, want everyone to be able to join the fun. They design games that thousands of people can play together at the same time from their phone, tablet, computer, or set-top box. Quiplash is their newest release, and it is THE game to play at parties, family events, and public gatherings. It combines local multiplayer with massively multiplayer so the whole room can play with the whole world. Multidevice means anyone can play, and multi-screen creates an experience that is fun for both participants and spectators.

Attend this session to hear how Jackbox Games achieved this. They describe the system architecture and technology they employed to bring Quiplash to life and explain the importance of AWS, Fire TV, and Twitch to their development process. They also discuss the design decisions that made it possible to support multiple screens and multiple devices for thousands of concurrent players.
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