AWS re:Invent 2015 | (DEV310) CI/CD of Services with Mocking and Resiliency Testing

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Опубликовано 9 октября 2015, 22:19
At Intuit, we are migrating many services to AWS. We have developed a tool called Slingshot to automate our entire onboarding process. It sets up our AWS account; generates the Jenkins flow pipeline; and then automatically builds, tests, deploys, and promotes our applications/services in the software development pipeline. The deployment automation provides zero downtime with fast cutover and quick rollbacks.

Additionally, one of the challenges of implementing CI/CD with service-oriented architectures (SOA) is reliable execution of test automation. Because every service evolves on its own schedule, having a single integrated test environment is virtually impossible. One way to handle this complexity is dependency mocking. We use the Wiremock tool, which allows users to stub for service dependencies and do resiliency testing that was hard to automate before.