How Partylite Migrated to AWS in 30 Days with Logicworks

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Опубликовано 28 января 2017, 4:49
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When organizations decide to migrate their workloads to AWS, they want to minimize cost, time, and disruption while also ensuring that their new environment lays the groundwork for competitive advantage and company growth. Logicworks addresses all of those variables by thoroughly analyzing organizations’ business and technology goals, timeline, and compliance requirements. In our upcoming webinar, AWS, Logicworks, and Partylite, an international party planning company, discuss the launch of Partylite’s PCI DSS compliant, 1000+ VM workloads on AWS in just 30 days. Logicworks takes a software-focused approach to their managed services model by leveraging a combination of AWS tools such as CloudFormation and CloudTrail with a proprietary automation framework to help you quickly design and deploy a dynamic cloud environment.

When: January 24, 2017 | 10:00 AM PST | 1:00 PM EST

Join us to Learn:
• The value of software-defined framework vs. lift-and-shift migration to AWS
• The ins and outs of an Infrastructure as Code approach methodology
• A step-by-step path to achieving cloud-enabled DevOps and IT maturity

Who Should Attend:
Information Architects, Enterprise Architects, DevOps Managers, Senior Technical Managers in Engineering and Operations

AWS Speaker: Sai Reddy Thangirala, Solution Architect

Partner Speaker Name: Phil Christensen, Sr. Solutions Architect, DevOps, Logicworks

Customer Speaker Name: Sandy Duphily, Former Director of Worldwide Technology, PartyLite