AWS re:Invent 2017: GPS: Build Once, Deploy Many: Architecting and Building Automate (GPSTEC319)
Amazon Web Services791 тыс
Опубликовано 29 ноября 2017, 16:41
This session explains how to build reusable, maintainable AWS CloudFormation–based automation for AWS Cloud deployments. We have built over 50 Quick Start reference deployments with partners and customers, and will share this expertise with you. We explore the anatomy of a typical AWS CloudFormation template, dive deep into best practices for building Quick Start automation across Linux and Windows and explore useful design patterns. This expert-level session is for partners interested in building Quick Starts or other AWS CloudFormation–based automation. It requires familiarity with Git, shell scripting, Windows PowerShell, and AWS services like Amazon EC2, Amazon S3 and AWS CloudFormation.
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