DRAW: Using Dart to Moderate Reddit Comments (DartConf 2018)

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Опубликовано 31 января 2018, 19:12
DRAW: Using Dart to Moderate Reddit Comments

Based on the popular Python library PRAW, DRAW aims to make interfacing with Reddit using Dart simple for command line and Flutter applications. The current state of DRAW development will be discussed along with a quick demo of a moderation bot written in Dart using DRAW and Google's Perspective Comment Analysis API.

About Ben Konyi:
Ben graduated from the University of Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier University in 2016 in CompSci and Business Admin. During his year at Google, he has worked on the Dart VM as well as the Flutter engine.

Watch the rest of the Dart Conference 2018 session videos here: goo.gl/4bwhE5
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