GCP Network and Security Telemetry (Cloud Next '18)

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Опубликовано 24 июля 2018, 22:48
Network and security telemetry is fundamental to operate your deployments in public clouds with confidence, providing the required visibility on the behavior of your network and Access control firewalls. Whether it's for auditing and forensics purposes, for planning or service health assurance, GCP networking and security telemetry has you covered. VPC flow logs allow you to gain real-time visibility to the key metrics of your traffic flows like RTT and throughput. Firewall logging allows you to log every traffic connection allowed or denied by your GCP firewalls, providing strong validation against your security posture. Both logs can be stored for audit and forensic purposes, and the rich set of meta-data provides you with capabilities to do big data processing to understand patterns and threads.

Event schedule → g.co/next18

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Subscribe to the Google Cloud channel! → bit.ly/NextSub event: Google Cloud Next 2018; re_ty: Publish; product: Cloud - Networking - Virtual Private Cloud (VPC); fullname: Ines Envid, Yuri Solodkin, Vineet Bhan; event: Google Cloud Next 2018;