AWS re:Invent 2018: Implementing Multi-Region AWS IoT, ft. Analog Devices (IOT401)

2 977
Опубликовано 30 ноября 2018, 16:28
Your devices are being shipped across the globe. You have consumers who use their hardware across different countries. How can you build an IoT application that reflects the geographic reach of your devices? In this session, we walk you through the stages of going multi-region with AWS IoT. We first tackle common challenges around setting up your accounts and permissions for AWS IoT. We then dive into different modes of multi-region deployments using multiple AWS services. We also cover the nuances of moving devices across locations and how you can plan, monitor, and execute on your IoT application. Throughout this session, we dive into code and architectures that show the good, the bad, and the ugly of multi-region deployments in IoT, and we share how best to tackle them on day 1 as you take your applications global. We also highlight a customer example from Analog Devices.