Опубликовано 12 марта 2019, 4:30

1:14 - LTX - Tech + Creators + Community
2:56 - Ajit Pai’s rosy broadband deployment claim may be based on gigantic error
4:16 - House to FCC's Ajit Pai: Your record-keeping may violate federal law
5:49 - Source: Leaked Documents Show the U.S. Government Tracking Journalists and Immigration Advocates Through a Secret Database
7:13 - New York hasn’t followed through on order to kick Charter out of state
7:51 - Chelsea Manning jailed for refusing to testify on WikiLeaks
9:52 - Elizabeth Warren calls to break up Facebook, Google and Amazon
12:30 - Sorry Amazon: Philadelphia bans cashless stores
16:36 - FBI head Christopher Wray: We can't let criminals hide behind encryption
17:25 - Disputed N.S.A. Phone Program Is Shut Down, Aide Says
18:40 - Google Maps Adding Photo Radar Warnings For Drivers
19:49 - The data brokers quietly buying and selling your personal information
21:35 - The CDC is investigating rise in e-scooter injuries
23:36 - Georgia county pays a whopping $400,000 to get rid of a ransomware infection
24:59 - Chinese tech giant Huawei sues the U.S. in Texas in pushback against security risk claims
25:59 - US tech firms fear China could be spying through power cords
27:34 - Google Is Still Working on China Search Engine, Employees Claim
29:20 - Egypt government used Gmail third-party apps to phish activists
30:36 - Vladimir Putin Wants His Own Internet
32:16 - French tax on internet giants could yield 500 million euros per year
33:35 - Prisoners’ brains are being electrically stimulated by Spain scientists
35:58 - Tim Cook is now Tim Apple on Twitter
37:15 - 800+ Million Emails Leaked Online by Email Verification Service
39:00 - Google Reveals "BuggyCow," a Rare MacOS Zero-Day Vulnerability
40:19 - Firefox to add Tor Browser anti-fingerprinting technique called letterboxing
41:10 - All Intel chips open to new Spoiler non-Spectre attack: Don't expect a quick fix
42:26 - Android TV bug gave users access to strangers' Google Photos
43:45 - Investigators Find QuadrigaCX Crypto Wallets Were Emptied Before CEO's Death

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Intro and Outro Music By: Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License