Strategies for Bringing Kubernetes, Istio, Traffic Director, & Envoy to Brownfield (Cloud Next '19)

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Опубликовано 18 мая 2019, 0:04
Like many enterprises, your applications could all be running on VMs, and many of these services may be monoliths. At first glance, these brownfield environments do not seem to fit neatly into the world of microservices and containers. Modernization may be complicated by the fact that your deployment is hybrid in that it spans your on-premises datacenters, Google Cloud, and more. In this session we describe strategies to bring Istio, Kubernetes, and more into such traditional environments. For GCP deployments, we also show how you can reduce operational toil by using Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Traffic Director for GCP-managed Istio, Cloud Load Balancing along with GKE on-prem and partner solutions for on-premises. With, we show a demo of modernizing your VM-based monolith, breaking it into microservices, building a service mesh, managing the hybrid service mesh with Istio, Traffic Director and partner solutions, configuring global load balancing for resiliency, and then moving a service to containers. We will end with a recap of best practices for bringing Istio, Traffic Director and Kubernetes to your brownfield deployments and the road ahead.

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Speaker(s): Prajakta Joshi, Dhi Aurrahman, Georgi Khomeriki

Session ID: NET206

event: Google Cloud Next 2019; re_ty: Publish; product: Cloud - Containers - Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE); fullname: Prajakta Joshi, Dhi Aurrahman, Georgi Khomeriki;