AWS Executive Forum 2019 - Building the Right Organisational Capabilities to Succeed in the Cloud

Опубликовано 24 июня 2019, 19:50
Presented at AWS Executive Forum 2019 in Sydney.
Keynote: Building the Right Organisational Capabilities to Succeed in the Cloud
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Over the past 13 years, Amazon Web Services has helped millions of customers leverage the value of cloud technology. This experience has taught us that whilst the choice of technology is critical, establishing mechanisms and capabilities are key in accelerating business outcomes. Join AWS and Industry leaders as they share how they’ve built and sustained capabilities in areas such as Leadership, Skills Development, Data Growth, DevOps, Application Modernisation and Security.

- Alex Nemeth de Bikal, Head of Enterprise, AWS ANZ, Steve Day, NAB, - Damien Cronan, Nine Publishing, Nam Je Cho, AWS"