Charticulator: Interactive Construction of Bespoke Chart Layouts

Опубликовано 5 августа 2019, 17:07
Charticulator is an interactive authoring tool that enables the creation of bespoke and reusable chart layouts. Charticulator is our response to most existing chart construction interfaces that require authors to choose from predefined chart layouts, thereby precluding the construction of novel charts. In contrast, Charticulator transforms a chart specification into mathematical layout constraints and automatically computes a set of layout attributes using a constraint-solving algorithm to realize the chart. It allows for the articulation of novel layouts with expressive glyphs and links between these glyphs, without requiring any coding or knowledge of constraint satisfaction. Furthermore, thanks to the constraint-based layout approach, Charticulator can export chart designs into reusable templates that can be imported into other visualization tools such as Microsoft Power BI. In this exhibit, we will demo how easily and quickly you can create a wide range of charts using Charticulator, and then reuse the chart designs as custom visuals in Microsoft Power BI.

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