Welcoming Android 10, Flutter 1.9, AI Hub update, & more!

18 912
13.09.19 – 3 32020:15
Opening Talk - NA GDE Summit
17 дней – 7 5990:18
Don’t call me that.
Опубликовано 12 сентября 2019, 21:19
TL;DR 173 | The Google Developer News Show

Welcoming Android 10! → goo.gle/2khZCBh

Flutter news from GDD China: uniting Flutter on web and mobile, and introducing Flutter 1.9 → goo.gle/2kKgaSD

Enabling developers and organizations to use differential privacy → goo.gle/2kuRfCx

Announcing the general availability of 6 and 12 TB VMs for SAP HANA instances on Google Cloud Platform → goo.gle/2kJPC3J

New homepage and improved collaboration features for AI Hub → goo.gle/2kjJrU4

Here to bring you the latest developer news from across Google is Developer Advocate Reto Meier.

Tune in every week for a new episode, and let us know what you think of the latest announcements in the comments below! 😃

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