Xiaomi Mijia Roborock S55 Blacks Out: Brilliant Cleaning!

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GeekBuying56.6 тыс
Опубликовано 12 февраля 2019, 9:05
Get this Roborock Vacuum Cleaner 2 Black: bit.ly/2URBFNJ
By using coupon: SLWWSKGP you can have a $20 off immediately.

Smarter Zoned Cleaning + APP Virtual Wall

Set the cleaning or non-cleaning area on the APP map, set the target, Roborock will build the cleaning map automatically on the way.

APP Virtual Wall,you can draw the slices of virtual wall and prevent the robot vacuum from crossing.

LDS Laser Mapping

The LDS sensor will scan the room and create a room map, then efficiently navigate an entire level of your home and keep track of its location.

Sweeping and Mopping Function

With the plant bionics system, its' filter can absorb water automatically and keep enough water content. Sweeping first and then mopping, cleaning the floor effectively.

2000Pa Powerful Suction

Roborock can vacuum where dirt, dust hide and even large debris like cereal from wherever it hides, navigating around furniture and under beds, corner trash and other hard-to-reach places.

Seamless Navigation

A full suite of sensors enables Roborock to seamlessly navigate around obstacles, under furniture, and sweep along wall edges while avoiding stairs and other drop-offs.

Crossing Obstacles up to 2cm

It can cross obstacles up to 2cm high, including common thresholds or other things such as cables among furniture, as easily as walking on the firm floor.

Automatically Infrared Chargeback and Resumes

Runs for up to 2.5 hours, then automatically returns to its charge base to recharge and resume cleaning the unfinished work.

Enhanced Mi Home App

Help you connect to clean from anywhere, make presets to clean on a schedule, view maps of where your robot cleaned, and more.

Check out all the available coupons and get a discount on the product featured in this video here: bit.ly/2J95dQN

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