Site Speed: What SEOs Need to Know

40 573
Опубликовано 30 октября 2019, 15:00
In this special episode of Ask Google Webmasters, John is joined by Martin Splitt, Webmasters Trend Analyst at Google, as they discuss questions around site speed and SEO, such as:
- What is the ideal page speed of any content for better ranking on SERP? (submitted by @rsthakur1988) (0:21)

- If a website's mobile speed using the Test My Site tool is good and GTmetrix report scores are high, how important are high Google PageSpeed Insights scores for SEO? (submitted by @olgatsimaraki) (1:27)

- I am testing an almost empty page on devtools Audits (v5.1.0) it usually gives minimum results which 0.8ms for everything and 20ms for FID but sometimes it gives worse results in TTI, FCI and FID. Same page, same code. Why? (submitted by @onurcelik66) (2:49)

- What is the best metric(s) to look at when deciding if page speed is “good” or not? Why / why not should we focus on metrics like FCP / FMP instead of scores given by tools like PageSpeed Insights? (submitted by @drewmarlier) (4:21)

Useful links related to this episode:
PageSpeed Insights docs →
Lighthouse scoring guide →
How to think about Speed tools →
What is speed? →
How to measure speed →

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