Full tour of Google App Maker's interface | Sheets to Apps

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Google for Work899 тыс
Опубликовано 7 ноября 2019, 17:00
Welcome back! We gave you a tour on how to build a basic app quickly, and with no code in the last episode, now let’s show you a bit more of the interface used for building apps.

Codelab → goo.gle/36ETMNB
Medium article → goo.gle/2WUq3vx
App Maker documentation → goo.gle/34Mx98n
Scripting in App Maker → goo.gle/36HzBhW
Apps Script → goo.gle/2rdkgFB

Previous episode → goo.gle/2xnbXui
Sheets to Apps playlist → goo.gle/2NPMk9I
Subscribe to G Suite → goo.gle/GSuite

Product: Cloud, G Suite, Google App Maker, G Suite developer; fullname: AGV;
