HTC VIVE V2EC Keynote Part 1: Cher Wang, Yves Maitre, Alvin Graylin, Thomas Furness, Peter Diamandis
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HTC Vive60.5 тыс
Опубликовано 8 апреля 2020, 19:29
Welcome Speech - Cher Wang | Chairwoman of HTC
Opening Speech - Yves Maitre | CEO of HTC
Realizing a Boundless Future - Alvin W. Graylin | China President of HTC
Specially Invited Guest - Dr. Thomas A. Furness III | Prof. UW & Int'l Dir. HIT Lab
The Future is Faster than You Think -Peter H. Diamandis | Founder & Executive Chairman of the XPRIZE Foundation
Opening Speech - Yves Maitre | CEO of HTC
Realizing a Boundless Future - Alvin W. Graylin | China President of HTC
Specially Invited Guest - Dr. Thomas A. Furness III | Prof. UW & Int'l Dir. HIT Lab
The Future is Faster than You Think -Peter H. Diamandis | Founder & Executive Chairman of the XPRIZE Foundation