Canonicalization: SEO Mythbusting

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Опубликовано 13 августа 2020, 12:57
In this episode of SEO Mythbusting season 2, Martin Splitt (Developer Advocate, Google) and Rachel Costello (Technical SEO Consultant, Builtvisible, at the time of recording Technical SEO & Content Manager, DeepCrawl) discuss the most common SEO questions and myths around canonicalization.

Specific timestamped topics discussed in this episode:
Canonicalization is not a topical grouping (0:00)
The most common canonicalization myths (1:29)
Is canonicalization a directive or a signal for Google Search? (2:01)
Should canonicalization be used as a redirect? (3:08)
What are the actual factors for duplication and deduplication? (4:25)
Site’s preference for the canonical URL vs user’s preference (7:33)
Canonicalization vs unique content on pages with a canonical tag (08:59)

Documentation mentioned in this episode:
Learn more about canonicalization →
Canonical URLS: How does Google pick the one? (video) →

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#SEO #GoogleSearch
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