App Mesh for .NET Core

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Опубликовано 3 февраля 2021, 22:38
Click SHOW MORE to see the table of contents, GitHub asset links and shortcuts to specific topics. This is an A-to-Z walkthrough for creating Helm installation for service-client duo of .NET Core apps and deploying them to a new Amazon EKS Kubernetes cluster with AWS Fargate, AWS App Mesh, AWS Load Balancer Controller and Ingress Gateway.

- - scripts to install AWS App Mesh Controller, AWS ALB Ingress Controller, to create a Service Account for Envoy on AWS Fargate, etc.
- - two Helm charts: 1) creating an AWS App Mesh with a given name, and 2) installing Ingress Gateway with NLB and ALB support.
- - general-purpose Helm Charts for installing web applications and their canary routers on Amazon EKS clusters with AWS App Mesh.
- - .NET Core samples, the Color service and client, application source code.

Also see "AWS App Mesh Deep Dive with Amazon EKS - AWS Online Tech Talks" (

Skip to:
2:33 - A very brief intro to AWS App Mesh and service mesh concepts
4:33 - What is Envoy Proxy?
7:25 - A brief sample application description
8:06 - Prerequisites: Tools and Skills
10:31 - AWS services and components used in the solution and covered in this video
12:13 - Solution Architecture
16:07 - Creating serverless Kubernetes cluster with Amazon EKS and AWS Fargate
18:21 - Building and running sample applications locally and as Docker containers
23:50 - Installing AWS integration components - AWS App Mesh controller and AWS Load Balancer controller (f.k.a. ALB Ingress Controller) - on Amazon EKS/AWS Fargate cluster
25:50 - Preparing Amazon EKS namespace for the AWS App Mesh
28:11 - Creating the AWS App Mesh with Helm
29:06 - Installing Ingress Gateway with Helm
33:00 - Creating Helm Chart installer targeting AWS App Mesh for the Color service .NET Core app
42:03 - Creating Virtual Router + Virtual Service AWS App Mesh "canary" traffic shifter with Helm
46:28 - Creating Helm Chart installer targeting App Mesh for the Color client .NET Core app
50:41 - Adding "canary" version 2 of the Color service app
54:37 - Removing "old" version 1 of the Color service app with canary traffic shifter
57:04 - Cleanup and wrap-up

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