Tesla Model 3: One Year Later

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TechnoBuffalo1.64 млн
21.02.21 – 137 71411:46
iPhone 13: Wait for it?
86 дней – 260 58210:02
EXACTLY what I needed! ROLI Piano M
Опубликовано 16 февраля 2021, 20:33
Check out the Spigen Model 3 / Y Screen Protector - Matte: spigen.co/3pq2nMn
Clear: spigen.co/3boS1Yf
Are you thinking about buying a Tesla Model 3? After driving a 2020 Tesla Model 3 Performance for over a year, my opinions have changed since my initial delivery. Here's everything I have liked and hated about the car one year later. Also, let's compare my 2020 Model 3 against the re-designed 2021 Model 3. Did I make a buying mistake by not waiting? Check out the video to find out!

Tesla Model Y FULL REVIEW youtu.be/ObkQn3KUhtc
the TRUTH about the Tesla Model 3 youtu.be/Cqpnw_sZTpQ
Tesla Model Y vs Model 3 Review: Don't make a mistake! youtu.be/PIY7c-Pjlsg
The TRUTH about Tesla's V3 Solar Roof youtu.be/JYJ_8abTh0E

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#Tesla #Model3