Choosing Pub Sub or Pub Sub Lite? - ep. 11

19 421
13 дней – 4 3570:33
Google AI Studio for developers
Опубликовано 30 июня 2021, 4:00
Pub/Sub documentation →
Choosing Pub/Sub or Pub/Sub Lite →

In this episode of Pub/Sub Made Easy, Priyanka Vergadia goes into depth about the multiple messaging options available (including Pub/Sub) to help you turn events into valuable features and analysis. Specifically, she shows how Pub/Sub provides everything you need for real-time cases and integrates seamlessly with other Google Cloud services, while Pub/Sub Lite delivers scalable, real-time messaging at a low cost. Also learn how Pub/Sub and Pub/Sub Lite compare with Kafka and managed Kafka by Confluent.

Time Stamps:
0:00 - Intro
0:34 - Data pipeline and ingestion overview
2:07 - Messaging options for ingestion
2:18 - Pub/Sub
4:19 - Pub/Sub Lite
5:26 - Kafka and Confluent Cloud
6:05 - Choosing between Kafka or Pub/Sub
7:32 - Options summary and next steps

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Product: Cloud Pub/Sub, GCT, Google Cloud Tech; fullname: Priyanka Vergadia; Alicia Williams
