Migrating from App Engine webapp2 to Flask

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Serverless Migration Station Module 0 repo folder → goo.gle/3jEuw34
Serverless Migration Station Module 1 repo folder → goo.gle/3xfynHx
Serverless Migration Station Module 1 codelab → goo.gle/3qJJWEo

Serverless Migration Station is a mini-series focused on helping developers modernize their serverless applications, initially from Google App Engine legacy services - many of which have matured to become standalone Cloud products. Each episode shows users how to perform a specific migration step-by-step. Examples include moving away from the webapp2 framework to Flask, App Engine's ndb library to Cloud NDB, Cloud Datastore to Cloud Firestore, even covering product crossovers, such as containerizing App Engine apps for Cloud Run. In this episode, we focus on web frameworks. Developer Advocates Wesley Chun and Martin Omander will show you how to migrate your Python 2 App Engine ndb app from webapp2 to Flask.

0:00 - Introduction
1:35 - Sample application to migrate
2:14 - Migrating to Flask
5:35 - Summary

References for this Module 1 content:
Serverless Migration Station Module 0 repo folder → goo.gle/3yHGe1b
Serverless Migration Station Module 1 repo folder → goo.gle/3r0dEFp
Serverless Migration Station Module 1 codelab → goo.gle/3hOdUTN
Flask documentation → goo.gle/3dVeX32
webapp2 documentation → goo.gle/3qTRu7M

Serverless Migration Station references:
Main migration website and code repo → goo.gle/3zGvql4
Codelabs launch → goo.gle/3xtSvG2
Module 0 "Introducing Serverless Migration Station" video → goo.gle/2TMX7II

Google App Engine references:
App Engine ndb (client) library → goo.gle/2UBcjIX
Cloud NDB (client) library → goo.gle/3xtEGHB
App Engine 2nd generation platform launch → goo.gle/36kf30d
Comparing App Engine first & second generation platforms → goo.gle/3hoBXcT
Google's committed support for legacy App Engine runtimes → goo.gle/2SUG9I0
Python 3 App Engine Quickstart and commonly-used web frameworks → goo.gle/3hoXkec
Repo for migration samples from the documentation → goo.gle/3wLhYKJ
Repo for migration samples contributed by the community → goo.gle/3qjXeHB

Google Cloud references:
Copying/vendoring/self-bundling a 3rd-party library → goo.gle/3yAerj0
Google Cloud SDK → goo.gle/3hNdRYy

Python references:
Python requirements.txt file specs → goo.gle/3dTNNcP
WSGI-compliant web frameworks → goo.gle/3e0lOs2

Check out more episodes of Serverless Migration Station → goo.gle/ServerlessMigrationSta...
Subscribe to Google Cloud Tech → goo.gle/GoogleCloudTech


product: Cloud - Migration - Migrate for Compute Engine; fullname: Wesley Chun, Martin Omander; re_ty: Publish;