46 дней – 1 6380:37
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Опубликовано 21 июля 2021, 4:00
Serverless Migration Station repo → goo.gle/3heRoEK
Module 2 codelab → goo.gle/3B2XFuZ

Serverless Migration Station is a mini-series of Serverless Expeditions, created to help developers modernize their serverless applications from Google App Engine legacy services. Each episode shows users how to perform a specific migration step-by-step. In this episode, Google Cloud Developer Advocates Martin & Wesley show you how to migrate from App Engine NDB to Cloud NDB, opening the door for many more app modernizations.

0:00 - Introduction
1:58 - App Engine ndb to Cloud NDB migration
5:37 - Python 2 to 3 migration
6:49 - Bringing back Python 2.5 apps from the dead
7:34 - Migration wrap-up
8:19 - Optional Datastore migrations
9:29 - Other migrations to consider
10:18 - Summary and final resources

Module 2 references
Module 1 (Python 2) repo folder → goo.gle/3xfynHx
Module 2 Python 2 repo "mod2a" folder → goo.gle/2U89Tle
Module 2 Python 3 repo "mod2b" folder → goo.gle/3i3kGFq
Module 1 codelab → goo.gle/3qJJWEo
Module 2 codelab → goo.gle/3B2XFuZ

Serverless Migration Station references:
Serverless Migration Station repo → goo.gle/3heRoEK
SMS codelabs launch → goo.gle/3Alsvi0
SMS Module 1 "App Engine webapp2 to Flask migration" video → goo.gle/3Alsvi0
SMS Module 0 "Introducing Serverless Migration Station" video → goo.gle/36aqFmo

Google App Engine references:
GAE ndb (client) library → goo.gle/3envpte
Available Python 2 App Engine built-in libraries → goo.gle/3BdSTuP
Using built-in libraries with Python 2 App Engine (Migrating to Cloud NDB) → goo.gle/3xKrmPi
Using built-in libraries with Python 2 App Engine (Using third-party libraries) → goo.gle/3hIuCVO
Copying/vendoring/self-bundling a 3rd-party library (same page as above) → goo.gle/3hKrCbG
Updating app.yaml for Python 3 App Engine → goo.gle/3ihfkq3
App Engine NDB 2.7 docs → goo.gle/3etnLNX
App Engine NDB 2.7 repo → goo.gle/3AX4GNX
App Engine ndb to Cloud NDB migration guide → goo.gle/3Bb9D5D
App Engine community migration samples repo → goo.gle/3xel8Hg
GAE 2nd generation platform launch → goo.gle/3ks4xwe
Comparing App Engine first & second generation platforms → goo.gle/36FmdvU
Google's committed support for legacy App Engine runtimes → goo.gle/2TlQP2M
Python 3 App Engine Quickstart and commonly-used web frameworks → goo.gle/3xKRkST
Repo for migration samples from the documentation → goo.gle/366G46X
Repo for migration samples contributed by the community → goo.gle/3xel8Hg
Python 2.5 App Engine runtime (deprecated) → goo.gle/36EmbEG
Python 2.5 db App Engine library (deprecated) → goo.gle/36DYSen
App Engine db to ndb migration → goo.gle/2UPTq5s

Google Cloud references:
Cloud NDB (client) library 2.7 & 3.x repo → goo.gle/3kjRAUP
Cloud NDB (client) library 2.7 & 3.x docs → goo.gle/3hGof5z
Cloud NDB migration documentation samples → goo.gle/3B5TTAO
Google Cloud SDK → goo.gle/3ihiUR1

Python references:
Python requirements.txt file specs → goo.gle/3qHYN2d
WSGI-compliant web frameworks → goo.gle/3hyocaJ

Check out more episodes of Serverless Migration Station → goo.gle/ServerlessMigrationSta...
Subscribe to Google Cloud Tech → goo.gle/GoogleCloudTech


product: Cloud - Migration - Migrate for Compute Engine; fullname: Wesley Chun, Martin Omander; re_ty: Publish;