Migrating from Cloud Datastore to Cloud Firestore (Part 1: app migration)

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Опубликовано 15 сентября 2021, 4:00
Serverless Migration Station is a mini-series from Serverless Expeditions, designed to help Google Cloud developers modernize their applications running on one of the serverless compute platforms. Cloud Datastore and Cloud Firestore are two NoSQL data solutions available to users today. In this episode, Developer Advocates Wesley Chun and Martin Omander show you how to migrate your app from Cloud Datastore to Cloud Firestore!

0:00 - Introduction
1:30 - Where did Cloud Firestore come from?
2:10 - Cloud Firestore: Datastore mode vs. Native mode
4:23 - Cloud Datastore to Cloud Firestore app migration
8:05 - A more open Google Cloud?
9:08 - What about data migration?
9:49 - Summary and other migrations to consider

Module 6 references:
Codelab → goo.gle/3lmmhrC
Python 3 START ("mod3b") code → goo.gle/3ljIcBj
Python 3 FINISH ("mod6") code → goo.gle/3A7Myjq

Other Migration Module references:
All "Serverless Migration Station" resources → goo.gle/3heRoEK
Migration Module 3 "Cloud NDB to Cloud Datastore" codelab → goo.gle/2Vp8lDZ
Migration Module 3 "Cloud NDB to Cloud Datastore" video → goo.gle/395ReL0

Google Cloud Firestore and Cloud Datastore references:
Cloud Firestore in Native mode → goo.gle/3C2sVd2
Cloud Firestore: Native mode vs. Datastore mode comparison → goo.gle/3EcRxSr
Cloud Firestore: choosing between Native mode and Datastore mode → goo.gle/3k7dBpF
Automatic upgrade from Cloud Datastore to Firestore in Datastore mode → goo.gle/3z3d6AZ
Create new project in Cloud console → goo.gle/3huzu0b
Enable Cloud Firestore API in Cloud console → goo.gle/2Xip6Bm
"Migrating from Datastore to Firestore" video → goo.gle/3nv4WiW

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product: Cloud - Migration - Migrate for Compute Engine; fullname: Wesley Chun, Martin Omander; re_ty: Publish;