A Compose state of mind: Using Jetpack Compose's automatic state observation

64 677
Опубликовано 27 октября 2021, 17:30
Jetpack Compose offers automatic state observation that recomposes or recreates your UI whenever state changes. Learn about Compose's state model and the Composition, when to hoist state and create state holders or use AAC ViewModels, and how to mutate state when you're outside the Composition safely so that these changes are tracked by Compose.

Compose → goo.gle/compose-docs
Jetpack Compose pathway → goo.gle/compose-pathway
Jetpack Compose samples → goo.gle/compose-samples
Using State in Jetpack Compose → goo.gle/3voLMgu

Manuel Vicente Vivo

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product: Android - Jetpack Compose; fullname: Manuel Vicente Vivo; re_ty: Publish; event: Android Dev Summit 2021;