Digital Infrastructure in the New Bill: Will Cybersecurity Get 6 Lanes? | Intel Business

Intel IT Center21.5 тыс
Опубликовано 10 декабря 2021, 20:40
Have you been hearing about the new Infrastructure Bill that passed Congress? Are you curious about what moves the government is making to address the semiconductor shortage? In this episode of Cyber Security Inside, Camille and Tom get into the Infrastructure Bill recently signed into law with Jason Oxman, President and CEO, Information Technology Industry Council (ITI).

You’ll learn:
► All about the Infrastructure Bill recently passed by the U.S. Congress and what implications it holds for cybersecurity
► Who the Infrastructure Bill is serving and why
► How the government is making sure that the networks deployed in this bill are secure
► What the CHIPS Act is and how it is designed to help with situations like the semiconductor shortage
► And more!

Check it out.

#infrastructurebill #CHIPSAct #semiconductor #broadband


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Digital Infrastructure in the New Bill: Will Cybersecurity Get 6 Lanes? | Intel Business