Demo: User-centric graph for building intelligence and Meeting Insights

Опубликовано 25 января 2022, 1:37
Vipindeep Vangala, Principal Research Manager & Architect, Microsoft Research India
Abhishek Arun, Principal Science Manager, Microsoft Research

In this digital age, enterprise users use different entities to accomplish their tasks—conversations, emails, meetings, documents, and others. We envision the real power of intelligence for productivity will come when we link all the entities (silos of data and knowledge) in a user-centric graph at scale. The researchers present a framework, called AI Graph, that represents relations between heterogeneous entities across a plurality of data sources in Office 365—centered around the user. This system enables a highly efficient, time-aware, scalable, and extensible in-memory graph for every user, with privacy and compliance constraints. This demo will show the power of AI and machine learning on graph-for-productivity applications like Meeting Insights, how such enterprise-scale graphs can enable personalization of different applications, and how the future of intelligence for productivity will be shaped across various applications and scenarios.

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