Repair | Surface Laptop Go 2 and Go 3

66 356
12.10.22 – 836 6811:22
Introducing Surface Laptop 5
Опубликовано 13 сентября 2022, 16:15
Surface Laptop Go 2 has replaceable components to enable repair. Watch Chee demonstrate how to take the device apart with minimal tools.

Microsoft recommends that you seek professional assistance for device repairs and that you use caution if undertaking "do it yourself" repairs.

Video Chapters:
0:00 Introduction
0:57 Removing feet
1:43 Removing keyboard assembly
3:24 Removing battery
4:50 Removing thermal module
5:15 Removing antennae
5:50 Removing display
6:56 Removing SSD
7:53 Removing Surface Connect port
9:01 Removing PCBA
9:35 Removing fan assembly
10:40 Removing speakers