What's new in ChromeOS in less than 1 minute

24 849
10.05.23 – 2 337 6445:57
Top web things at Google I/O '23
95 дней – 1 5101:00
State queries in CSS
Опубликовано 10 мая 2023, 21:44
Quickly learn about the latest innovations in ChromeOS and get a roundup of tools, features, and guidance to create world-class apps and games announced at Google I/O 2023 in less than one minute!

To learn more about what's new for ChromeOS check out the keynote → goo.gle/IO23_chromekey

Watch more Mobile Sessions → goo.gle/IO23_mobile
Watch more Web Sessions → goo.gle/IO23_web

Subscribe to Google Chrome Developers → goo.gle/ChromeDevs
