Enterprise Search via Generative AI App Builder

35 681
Опубликовано 24 мая 2023, 13:00
Intro to Enterprise Search → goo.gle/3BHqeiZ
Get started with Enterprise Search → goo.gle/3Mi0ejf
Apply for Google Cloud Generative AI Trusted Tester → goo.gle/cloud-ai-trusted-teste...

Your organization may have terabytes of data; organizing it to be easily found can be one of the most challenging problems to solve. In this video, Developer Advocate Holt Skinner discusses Generative AI App Builder and how it enables developers to create apps focused on search and chat experiences. Watch along and discover how to make an internal search app with minimal coding and minimal setup.

0:00 - Intro
0:28 - Information organization
1:03 - Demo: Creating a website search app
2:05 - Demo: Creating a structured data search app
2:35 - Demo: Creating an unstructured data search app
3:03 - How to integrate search engine to other apps
3:50 - Wrap up

Check out more Generative AI for Developers videos → goo.gle/GenAIforDevs
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