13.02.24 – 241 75713:50
Should You Quit Your Job?
Опубликовано 12 февраля 2024, 15:00
In this edition of the Tested mailbag, Adam adds two new mini pry bars to his workshop collection, gifted to him by a viewer who claims they're the best of their kind in the world! The first is a 9" flat pry bar that has one side ground down to be an amazing scraper tool. The second is a swedish wrecking bar that's springy and strong enough to hold the weight of a house! Adam had neither of these bars in the shop, so these join the other pry bars in the shop at the ready for future projects!

Hyde 45600 flat pry bar: amzn.to/3OFvI4P
20" Gransfor Bruk wrecking bar: gransforsus.com/shop/svedbro-s...
Adam's favorite tools: Pry Bars: youtube.com/watch?v=GAcFR3-CHX...

Shot by Adam Savage

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Intro bumper by Abe Dieckman

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