Optimizing Security Software with AI PCs on Intel vPro Platform | Intel Business

Intel IT Center21.5 тыс
Опубликовано 9 апреля 2024, 15:59
Join Hector Llorens, Director of the Intel vPro Platform, as he demonstrates the latest technology for business computing at Mobile World Congress. He showcases the hero solution for the enterprise - the Intel vPro platform - which excels at giving users what they want, and giving IT what they need. This demo features Bufferzone executing an Anti-phishing script that goes through 20 different websites to find potential problems for PC users in the future. By optimizing security software Intel is freeing up CPU bandwidth to bring more capabilities from the cloud to the endpoint, fulfilling the promise of an AI PC. Learn how Intel is revolutionizing the user experience with their innovative technology.

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Optimizing Security Software with AI PCs on Intel vPro Platform | Intel Business