Turn TV insights into measurable actions: Top 5 Ways to Amplify TV Dollars with Digital

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Опубликовано 28 октября 2015, 17:47
Join us Live! Turn TV insights into Measurable Actions: Top 5 Ways to Amplify TV Dollars with Digital

Today’s consumers hop from screen to screen according to their needs-of-the-moment. For marketers, this multi-screen world offers new opportunities for ROI. Using Adometry by Google and TV Attribution, marketers can now analyze TV and digital data together to reveal cross-screen behaviors, and improve both mass media and digital strategies. 

So, how can you get more ROI in a multi-screen world? We’ve compiled our top 5 tips for how to amplify TV dollars with digital and will share these real life examples in a Hangout on Air this October 28th. If you’re ready to further increase your TV ROI, stay tuned to learn:

- How companies like Nest are leveraging TV attribution to improve their cross-channel marketing efficacy 
- How TV attribution creates unprecedented insight into creative, network and category campaign performance for both TV and digital marketing
- How you can use TV attribution to spur a new level of consumer engagement

Join us in this Hangout on Air hosted by Adometry and featuring Dave Barney, Product Manager at Google Analytics, Harry Tannenbaum, Head of Business Analytics and Alex Bain, Marketing Analyst at Nest Labs.