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37 937
Опубликовано 8 ноября 2012, 19:42
Episode 1: "When to Include an Exit Button in Your Android App"
With Reto Meier

You know those days when you're checking out an awesome Android app, then you run into an anti-pattern that totally destroys the magic?

I do. Rather than destroy the furniture, I've channeled those emotions into something more productive.

Links for your convenience:
When to Include an Exit Button in Android Apps (Hint: Never): bit.ly/AndroidExitButtons
Activity Source Code: bit.ly/AndroidActivitySource
Activity Lifecycle: d.android.com/training/basics/...
Google Cloud Sync: developer.android.com/training...
Notifications: d.android.com/guide/topics/ui/...
Monitoring Device State: d.android.com/training/monitor...

Watch the debate that followed via Hangout on Air at youtube.com/watch?v=MygA4BV8YZ...