Google I/O 2014 - Big data, the Cloud way: Accelerated and simplified

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Google office ASMR
Опубликовано 26 июня 2014, 18:12
William Vambenepe

Making sense of your Big Data problems doesn't have to require a herculean effort. Deriving meaning from your data, at any scale, doesn't have to involve a tangle of clusters, configurations, and scripts that takes a team of specialized administrators to unravel. In fact, you can make it manageable and easy for all developers without losing insight in the process. We've created easy-to-use services so that you can run deep analytics on both streaming and historical data with as little effort as hosting an app on App Engine.
However, sometimes, you need more control and configurability than managed services allow. That doesn't mean that you lose all the benefits of the Big Data tools that Google Cloud Platform has developed. You can easily combine managed services, where it makes sense, with Open Source tools like Hadoop and Spark. This session will dive into what you can use today to manage Big Data like Google itself does, "the Cloud way", as well as how you can plan to scale as your data needs shift and mature.

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