Google Sites for Educators Webinar

22 580
Google for Work906 тыс
Опубликовано 10 ноября 2010, 14:42
Part of the Google Apps for Education Professional Development webinar series.

Google Sites for Educators
Skill level: Beginner
Lead by Andy Crozier, Google Apps for Education Certified Trainer and Google Certified Teacher

It's critical that all classrooms have an online presence in the 21st Century. With Google Sites, teachers can easily create a classroom website that is dynamic and professional looking. You can also create sites and collaborate with others to help manage and organize all your information.

- How to create a site and various pages (web page, file cabinet, resource list, announcements)
- How to add Google Apps (calendar, docs) content to your page
- How to add other content (gadgets, YouTube, Picassa) to your page
- How to manage your site (invite collaborators, managing the layout, etc..)

Resource page for the webinar: