The Skies Epitomized, Art + Machine Learning Showing How we See the Sky

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Опубликовано 5 февраля 2016, 21:45
The Skies Epitomized is a series of artworks exploring the essence of the sky from the perspective of humans gazing at it. The works were created in collaboration between Maja Petrić, an artist, and Nebojša Jojić, a machine learning researcher at Microsoft Research. The artwork is derived from big data through a machine learning algorithm that is used to create visual summarizations (epitomes) of sky images people posted on the Internet.

Maja Petric was a studio99 Artist in Residence at Microsoft Research (October – December, 2015).

Maja Petrić, Artist in Residence at Microsoft Research
Nebojša Jojić, Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research

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