Samsung Galaxy Note 5 vs. Samsung Galaxy S6 Note 5 Port!

17 280
AdrianIsen1.41 млн
Опубликовано 6 сентября 2015, 1:06
Note 5 vs another Note 5 in a speed test? No, this video is a review of the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 with the Note 5 ROM Port in the Samsung Galaxy S6. Will the real Note5 be able to beat the S6 Note 5 ROM Port? It’s time for us to find out!


As usual our first experiment was the startup, and a quite interesting thing happened. The S6 with Note 5 ROM port started up faster than the actual Galaxy Note 5. Both the smartphones were running on the same operating system, Android 5.1.1 during the time.


Although the ROM Port of Note 5 gives all the Note 5 icons, interface and features to the S6, the only exception is the use of the SPen. When the SNote app is opened in both the Note 5 and S6, the SPen’s writing only works on the Note 5 and doesn’t work at all on the S6.



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