What's In My Tech Bag - Episode 1

205 062
TechSource3.89 млн
36 дней – 42 1860:51
PC Modding on a tight budget #shorts
41 день – 111 7501:00
Unboxing the ROG ASTRAL RTX 5080 #shorts
Опубликовано 10 декабря 2015, 19:14
These are tech products I take with me when I go places. ♦Links Below♦
►Check out VideoBlocks: vblocks.co/x/techsource1215
*Sponsored by VideoBlocks*
♦US Links♦
Nulaxy Bluetooth Keyboard: goo.gl/wwiJxs
iPad Air 2: goo.gl/QC85Rb
Custom Paint Job: goo.gl/xyYQm7
LG GRAM 14: goo.gl/S3QZjc
Sony Mark 4: goo.gl/KIQlCY
Manfrotto Mini Tripod: goo.gl/81lrdp
H5 Zoom Recorder: goo.gl/Rd7WOl
Transcend SD Card Reader: goo.gl/zyGtMH
Hard Drive Carrying Case: goo.gl/AFWZW7
Sandisk 128GB Flash Drive: goo.gl/GN9F2d
Anker Powerline Cable: goo.gl/O6sSgn
Wireless gaming mouse: goo.gl/1ofV5m
ATH-m50x: goo.gl/bBNXIX
SoDrop Bluetooth Headphones: goo.gl/jPTxRX
Anker Powercore: goo.gl/sTqObR
Anker Wall Outlet: goo.gl/5PUWeZ
Verus Damda iPhone Case: goo.gl/4fwR3g
♦UK Links♦
Nulaxy Bluetooth Keyboard: N/A
iPad Air 2: goo.gl/q3HG5S
Custom Paint Job: goo.gl/xyYQm7
Sony Mark 4: goo.gl/AEI4Pr
Manfrotto Mini Tripod: goo.gl/yxBc14
H5 Zoom Recorder: goo.gl/5iQqgl
Transcend SD Card Reader: goo.gl/bmj5MM
Hard Drive Carrying Case: goo.gl/PfHQWl
Sandisk 128GB Flash Drive: goo.gl/mmSx3k
Anker Powerline Cable: goo.gl/Y74eW1
Wireless gaming mouse: goo.gl/0oT6qg
ATH-m50x: goo.gl/kdlLef
SoDrop Bluetooth Headphones: N/A
Anker Powercore: goo.gl/IhQtKA
Anker Wall Outlet: goo.gl/OkJee5
Verus Damda iPhone Case: goo.gl/sRFsYQ
♦Canada Links♦
Nulaxy Bluetooth Keyboard: goo.gl/q88X0w
iPad Air 2: goo.gl/BnpS7Y
Custom Paint Job: goo.gl/xyYQm7
Sony Mark 4: goo.gl/0wM0ow
Manfrotto Mini Tripod: goo.gl/Ua0l6x
H5 Zoom Recorder: goo.gl/zRVeZA
Transcend SD Card Reader: goo.gl/71qWVA
Hard Drive Carrying Case: goo.gl/TBgtpA
Sandisk 128GB Flash Drive: goo.gl/0XlXre
Anker Powerline Cable: goo.gl/1bOqN8
Wireless gaming mouse: goo.gl/Pgkpwn
ATH-m50x: goo.gl/CyaUx2
SoDrop Bluetooth Headphones: N/A
Anker Powercore: goo.gl/pYSIb8
Anker Wall Outlet: goo.gl/zwKY3y
Verus Damda iPhone Case: goo.gl/nKfQjL
♦Germany Links♦
Nulaxy Bluetooth Keyboard: N/A
iPad Air 2: goo.gl/ZiFUko
Custom Paint Job: goo.gl/xyYQm7
Sony Mark 4: goo.gl/rkZCVk
Manfrotto Mini Tripod: goo.gl/OeM7Bv
H5 Zoom Recorder: goo.gl/Ji43lj
Transcend SD Card Reader: goo.gl/ZkmLqR
Hard Drive Carrying Case: goo.gl/Cg95yV
Sandisk 128GB Flash Drive: goo.gl/dTQpuo
Anker Powerline Cable: goo.gl/wWDzet
Wireless gaming mouse: n/a
ATH-m50x: goo.gl/whJvvT
SoDrop Bluetooth Headphones: N/A
Anker Powercore: goo.gl/zvsJDD
Anker Wall Outlet: goo.gl/jIiJb3
Verus Damda iPhone Case: goo.gl/suoYai
Follow me for all the updates!
Twitter: twitter.com/Ed_TechSource
Instagram: instagram.com/ed.techsource
Facebook: tinyurl.com/ld6m5q7

♦Full Gear List: goo.gl/geKIl3
♦Epic Office/Desk Tours: goo.gl/uvR1XN
♦Budget Filming/Youtube Gear: goo.gl/QLYXuU
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