Workshop on Quantum Algorithms and Devices - Part 4

Опубликовано 21 июня 2016, 22:10
3:40PM - 4:20PMQuantum Software and Quantum-safe Cryptography Michele Mosca (University of Waterloo) Abstract: Quantum algorithms allow us to solve several important problems with a substantially reduced computational complexity. For example, Shor's algorithms will solve integer factorization and find discrete logarithms in polynomial time, and thus compromise RSA and Diffie-Hellman based cryptosystems. These systems are used ubiquitously today, and, for example, underpin internet security. For any problem, the precise point at which an available quantum computer will outperform classical algorithms depends on many factors. One of these factors is the efficiency with which the algorithm is compiled into the available physical quantum operations. I will discuss the problem of quantum compiling and overview some of our results on this field. The advent of a quantum computing device that is able to implement large instances of quantum algorithms will be a major milestone in computing history, as it will bring the possibility of designing advanced quantum materials, simulating chemical reactions at the quantum level, improved optimization methods for a wide range of industries, and so on, including many applications yet to be discovered. However, it is critical that a new generation of cryptographic primitives resistant to quantum attacks is deployed before this happens. It is far from clear that this will happen. I will outline this challenge, and the ongoing work towards meeting the challenge. 4:20PM - 5:00PMHigh Performance Quantum Computing: Applications to Materials Simulations Matthias Troyer (ETH Zurich) Abstract: None supplied