Community detection: recent results and open problems

Опубликовано 21 июня 2016, 22:17
Community detection, similar to graph partitioning, consists in identification of groups of similar items within a population based on observed interactions. In the context of online social networks, it is a useful primitive for recommending either contacts or news items to users. We will consider a particular generative probabilistic model for the observations, namely the so-called stochastic block model, and generalizations thereof. We will describe spectral methods for community detection. Exploiting results on the spectrum of random graphs, we will establish consistency of these approaches under suitable assumptions, namely presence of a sufficiently strong signal in the observed data. We will also discuss open questions on phase transitions for detectability in such models when the signal becomes weak. In particular we will introduce a novel spectral method which provably allows detection of communities down to a critical threshold, thereby settling an open conjecture of Decelle, Krzakala, Moore and Zdeborová. We will conclude with open problems of current interest in the field.