Human Computer Interaction Mini-Symposium: Four Provocations from the Frontiers of HCI

21.06.16 – 10913:21
What happened after LUCA?
Опубликовано 21 июня 2016, 23:48
Roel Vertegaal - Queen's University Talk Title: Towards Real Reality (RR) Displays: Some Challenges in Using Flexible Displays for Pixels on Real Objects Abstract: In this presentation, I will argue that, just as the CRT was displaced by the LCD, the LCD will, within the next 5 years, be completely displaced by Flexible OLEDs (FOLEDs). There are compelling reasons for this: FOLEDs are lighter, higher contrast, conform better to the user’s body, allow for new form factors, can be manifold, and will be cheaper to produce. However, there are some real limitations in current FOLED technology that are holding back the vision towards Real Reality (RR) and Claytronic interfaces. RR distinguishes itself from VR in that only real displays are used to render three dimensional images on real objects in the user's world. RR has the distinct benefits that it requires no glasses, no head tracking, no hand tracking and no registration. Passive haptic feedback comes for free, in that the objects will have shape, weight and orientation information embedded in their form factor. I will give an overview of some of the current developments in Organic User Interfaces, and discuss the path towards Real Reality interfaces, discussing some of the limitations in current display technology. Michael McGuffin - ETS Montreal (Ecole de Technologie Superieure) Talk Title: Recent Work in Visualizing Databases and in Multitouch Interaction Abstract: Two recent projects will be summarized. The first presents a method for showing an overview of a single database table with many columns. I will show that parallel coordinates, scatterplot matrices, and "dimensional stacking" à la Tableau all have problems doing this, and show how our new solution scales better (spoiler paper and video: The second project is unpublished work about a "multitouch radial menu" that integrates continuous control for providing arguments to commands. I will also present a taxonomy of menuing techniques. Pourang Irani - University of Manitoba Talk Title: "Seekrit Talk" on Advances in HCI from the Geographical and Technological Nexus of the Great Nation of Canada Abstract: Talk details TBA, however Pourang has been very active in interaction techniques, new input modalities, and areas as diverse as Augmented and Virtual Reality to visualization and mobile analytics. He was also recently at MSR as a Visiting Researcher and contributed greatly to our Best-Paper winning work on Sensing Techniques for Stylus + Tablet interaction. Shendong Zhao - National University of Singapore Talk Title: Initial Thoughts on Innovation Patterns in HCI Research Abstract: Human-computer Interaction (HCI) is a very broad field without a single clear focus - there are a great number of HCI researchers from multiple disciplines working on a wide variety of problems that seem to have little connection with each other. However, a careful examination of these multiple approaches to problem solving seems to indicate that there are a number of distinctive, underlying innovation strategies employed by researchers. I call these strategies 'innovation patterns'. In this talk, I try to describe my initial thoughts about seven commonly seen innovation patterns in HCI research, and unpack these ideas using projects from my lab as well as examples drawn from the literature.