NIPS: Spotlight Session 10 - Cognitive Science Spotlights

Опубликовано 18 августа 2016, 18:45
M. Irfan, L. Ortiz Causal Strategic Inference in Networked Microfinance Economies D. Eigen, C. Puhrsch, R. Fergus Depth Map Prediction from a Single Image using a Multi-Scale Deep Network J. Drugowitsch, R. Moreno-Bote, A. Pouget Optimal decision-making with time-varying evidence reliability K. Patil, X. Zhu, Ł. Kopeć, B. Love Optimal Teaching for Limited-Capacity Human Learners V. Mnih, N. Heess, A. Graves, k. kavukcuoglu Recurrent Models of Visual Attention P. Vertechi, W. Brendel, C. Machens Unsupervised learning of an efficient short-term memory network