Real-time Distributed Analytics from Device

18.08.16 – 43058:00
Keynote: Data-Driven Computing
18.07.23 – 2 3544:44
AI for Precision Health
Опубликовано 18 августа 2016, 19:43
The number of connected devices with capabilities to send data to the cloud is growing every day. In addition, applications for smart phones and tablets typically use data born in the cloud to provide added-value to the users. Thus, there is a need to handle data in the cloud and on devices seamlessly. Data born on devices must be aggregated locally and correlated with data from the cloud. A platform that enables seamless data analytics from the edges to the cloud is our focus. The connected car and the ability to access lots of car sensors and data, is one example domain area that is opening up lots of business opportunities for Microsoft customers. For example, a new insurance service model is making insurance fees depending on (un)safe driving behavior. Driving behavior is analysed based on relevant car data (acceleration, breaking, etc), joined with data from the cloud (e.g. weather conditions). The service is interested in analysing individual driving behavior as well as overall assessment of their current insurance risk level etc.