Windows Phone Mango Music + Video Preview | Pocketnow

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Pocketnow1.82 млн
Опубликовано 19 июня 2011, 1:44
The Music + Videos hub has seen some pretty significant changes. The hub design has been slightly altered and now there's a little "..." menu at the bottom like most other applications. The "play all" button has also been moved to the bottom. The History section is now a vertical scrolling list of square tiles rather than a horizontal panning list. The same is true with the "New" listing, and the "Marquee" of music/video apps that integrate with the Music + Videos hub is now called "Apps".

You can tap and hold anything in the New or History section of the top-level hub in order to pin them to the start menu or (if supported) play a smart DJ mix. Unfortunately there are no "Add to Now Playing" menu commands here. It would be great if I could quickly make a playlist of the new music in my music hub, but instead you still have to navigate to the artist/album/song deep within the music library before you'll find that "Add to Now Playing" command in a tap & hold menu.

The music, videos, and podcasts libraries are mostly the same as Windows Phone 7, however you'll notice a couple new additions when you find an artist page. First of all the "Smart DJ" button is there at the top, and if you have a Zune pass that will create a mix of music that includes the artist you're looking at along with streaming cloud music that really nicely goes along with that artist. You'll also notice a new pivot tab for "Related" artists. This is another excellent feature that was imported from the Zune HD. The related tab will show nice artist tiles from musicians that you might also like if you like the one you're looking at. This is a great way to discover new music.


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Windows Phone Mango Music + Video Preview | Pocketnow
