LG G Watch Unboxing

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Опубликовано 8 июля 2014, 17:26
LG G Watch Unboxing

Review: bit.ly/1wWVpfx

LG G Watch: amzn.to/1mG7NjW

The G Watch doesn't feel overwhelmingly big; it's thick, yes, but not so much that it's unwieldy. That thickness serves a bit of a purpose, though, packing in a 400mAh battery (in comparison to the Gear Live's 300mAh. Other specs include a Snapdragon 400 processor, 1.65-inch LCD IPS display, 4GB of internal memory, 512MB of RAM, Bluetooth 4.0 and an array of sensors, including gyroscope, accelerometer and compass. GALLERY/MORE: bit.ly/VFynhM

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